Some of our investors have brought to our attention fake reviews and deceitful marketing techniques used by some criminal organisations. We at Agroforestry Group urge all new investors to proceed slowly and with caution. To help navigate the due diligence process, we have put together a list of measures to consider when assessing any investment proposal.
If you have any queries on the issues below or discover any additional concerns, please contact Agroforestry Group.
Blackmail websites post damaging fake reviews about legitimate businesses. These are all owned by the same criminal organisation..The legitimate business must then pay a company to remove the malicious reviews. Needless to say, the companies removing the reviews are all part of the fraud. Dirtyscam has posted fake Agroforestry Group reviews. We will not give in to blackmail and have left removal to our lawyers.
The truth about these blackmail sites and their owner can be found below.
Read More: Trust Pilot, 'Dirty Scam'
Read More: The New York Times, 'The Slander Industry'
Read More: The New York Times, 'Google Seeks to Break Vicious Cycle of Online Slander'
Imitation plantation companies copy our successful business model and communiqués. These phishing techniques are used to gain legitimacy by mimicking our returns model, publishing blogs with our articles or developing similar websites with 'agroforestry' in the URL. Exercise caution with these plantation companies as some have no plantations whatsoever.
Some frauds are easy to spot as the plantation company claims are too huge. They boast a multi-country/multi-product business.
Some plantation business failures are mistaken for deliberate fraud. In these situations the plantation management companies have not sold a sufficient quantity of trees/shares/units to maintain the plantation up until the first harvest. These business owners have not run off with investor funds, they have simply run out of funding to maintain the plantation or have had credit facilities withdrawn. Agroforestry Group on the other hand is self-financed and is not reliant on client funding, negating any bankruptcy fears. With Agroforestry Group you are in safe hands.